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Correlation Coefficient Theory
![The measurement \(r\) called the Pearson's correlation coefficient and is used to determine how closely related variables are in a linear relationship.\\ Correlation coefficient \((n)\)\\ \(-1 \leq r \leq 1\) for all correlation coefficients \\ \(0<r \leqslant 1\) with a scatterplot with positive direction, where 1 is perfect positive correlation.\\ \(-1 \leqslant r<0\) for a scatterplot with negative direction, where \(-1\) is perfect negative correlation. \(r=0\) means no correlation.\\ \textbf{Example}\\ To determine \(r\) from the set of data \[ (1,7),(2,6),(3,4),(4,1) \] - Place your calculator in statistical mode\\ - Clear the statistical memory\\ - Enter the data\\ - Calculate \(r\)\\ - change back to normal mode \\ In this example \(r=-0.98\).\\](/media/fvbpscvs/4809.png)