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Sums And Differences of 2 Angles Theory

NSW Syllabus Reference
NSW Syllabus Reference: ME-T2 Further Trigonometric Identities. This will require student toΒ
- derive and use the sum and difference expansions for the trigonometric functions \(\sin (π΄ \pm π΅),\, \cos (π΄ \pm π΅)\) and \(\tan (π΄ \pm π΅)\) (ACMSM044)
- derive and use the double angle formulae for \(\sin 2π΄,\, \cos 2π΄\) and \(\tan 2π΄\) (ACMSM044)
- derive and use expressions for \(\sin π΄,\, \cos π΄\) and \(\tan π΄\) in terms of \(t\) where \(t=\tan \dfrac{A}{2}\) (the \(t\)-formulae)
- derive and use the formulae for trigonometric products as sums and differences for \(\cos π΄ cos π΅,\, sin π΄ sin π΅,\, sin π΄ cos π΅\) and \(cos π΄ sin π΅\) (ACMSM047)