Estimating the Area - Revision Quiz 1
Estimating the Area - Revision Quiz 1
Question 2 of 5The approximate value of \(\int\limits_2^3 {\dfrac{1}{x}} \) using the trapezoidal rule and 3 function values is?
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Estimating the Area - Revision Quiz 1
Question 3 of 5The approximate value of \(\int\limits_4^6 {{{\log }_{10}}x\,dx} \) using the trapezoidal rule and 5 function values is ?
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Estimating the Area - Revision Quiz 1
Estimating the Area - Revision Quiz 1
Question 5 of 5Using the trapezoidal rule and the below table, determine the approximate distance travelled, given that \(t\) is in seconds and \(v\) is in \(m/sec\)
\[\begin{array}{ | c | c | c | c | c | c |}\hline t & 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\ \hline v & 1.2& 1.6& 1.2& 2.1& 1.8\\ \hline \end{array}\]
AnswerYou must be logged in to see the answer.You must be logged in to see the worked solutions.You must have an active subscription to access course content