Victorian Year 11 Maths General Topics
Below are the topics that sit within Victorian Year 11 General mathematics. When you click on a certain topic, you will be take to all the subtopics.
Computations and ArithmeticSub Topics:
- Order of Operations
- Directed Numbers
- Powers and Roots
- Approximations, Decimal Places and Significant Figures
- Conversion of Units
- Percentages
- Percentage Increase and Decrease
- Ratio and Proportion
- Expressing Ratios In Their Simplest Form
- Dividing Quantities In Given Ratios
- Unitary Method
- Logarithms
- Order of Magnitude
- Logarithmic Scales
Data DistributionsSub Topics:
- Types of Data
- Displaying and Describing Categorical Data Distributions
- Interpreting and Describing Frequency Tables and Bar Charts
- Displaying and Describing Numerical Data
- Distributions of Numerical Data: Shape, Location and Spread
- Dot Plots and Stem-And-Leaf Plots
- Summarising Data
- Boxplots
- Comparing The Distribution of s Numerical Variable Across Two Or More Groups
- Statistical Investigation
Linear Relations and EquationsSub Topics:
- Substitution of Values Into a Formula
- Constructing a Table of Values
- Linear Equations (One Unknown)
- Setting up Linear Equations (1 Unknown)
- Solving Literal Equations
- Setting up Linear Equations (2 Unknowns)
- Transposition of Formulae
- Point of Intersection of 2 Linear Graphs
- Solving Simultaneous Equations Algebraically
- Solving Simultaneous Equations with CAS
- Practical Applications of Simultaneous Equations
- Problem Solving and Modelling
Financial Arithmetic
MatricesSub Topics:
- The Basics of a Matrix
- Using Matrices To Model Practical Situations
- Adding and Subtracting Matrices
- Scalar Multiplication
- Matrix Multiplication
- Applications of Matrices
- Communications and Connections
- Identity and Inverse Matrices
- Encoding and Decoding Information
- Solving Simultaneous Equations Using Matrices
Linear Graphs and ModelsSub Topics:
Investigating Relationships Between Two Numerical VariablesSub Topics:
- Response and Explanatory Variables
- Scatterplots and Their Construction
- How To Interpret a Scatterplot
- Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient (R)
- Determining The Value Of Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient, R
- Using The Least Squares Line To Model a Linear Association
- Interpolation and Extrapolation
- Interpreting The Slope and The Intercept of a Regression Line
- Statistical Investigation
Number Patterns and RecursionSub Topics:
- Number Patterns and Recursion
- Arithmetic Sequences
- Arithmetic Sequence Applications
- Using a Recurrence Relation To Generate and Analyse an Arithmetic Sequence
- Geometric Sequences
- Geometric Sequence Applications
- Using a Recurrence Relation To Generate and Analyse an Geometric Sequence
- Using Recurrence Relations To Model Growth and Decay
- The Fibonacci Sequence
Graphs and Networks
Shape and Measurement
Applications of Trigonometry
Inequalities and Linear Programming