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Sketching Informal Graphs Theory
![\textbf{Example 1}\\ The travel graph shows Bertie's return trip to his friend's Earnie's house.\\ \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1] \def \domain{0:5} \begin{axis}[ axis y line=left, axis x line=bottom, axis line style={shorten >=-10pt,very thick,-Stealth}, title={Bertie Cycle}, grid=major, ylabel =Distance in km, xlabel =Time, width=3.5in, height=3.5in, ymin=0, ymax=10, xmin=0, xmax=16, axis line style = thick, major tick style = thick, xtick distance = 3, xlabel style={right}, x grid style={thin, opacity=0.5}, ytick distance = 2, ylabel style={above}, y grid style={thin, opacity=0.5}, axis on top=false, xtick={0,2,...,16}, ytick={2,4,...,10}, xticklabels={11:00am,{},12:00pm,{}, 1:00pm,{},2:00pm,{},3:00pm}, ] %FUNCTION \draw [draw=black,thin, opacity=0.5] (-1,-1) rectangle (16,10); \draw[red,ultra thick] (0,0)--(4,8)--(8,5)--(12,5)--(16,0); \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \hfill \linebreak \textbf{i)} At what time did Bertie begin his trip?\\ \textbf{ii)} What is the distance from Bertie's house to Earnie's house?\\ \textbf{iii)} What was the total distance that Bertie travelled?\\ \textbf{iv)} Did Bertie spend any time at Earnie's house?\\ \textbf{v)} What was the total time of his trip including rests?\\ \textbf{Example 1 solution}\\ \textbf{i)} Bertie started at \(11.00 \text{~am}\)\\ \textbf{ii)} He reached Earnie's house at \(12.00 \text{~am}\) a distance of \(8 \text{~km}\).\\ \textbf{iii)} Total distance \(=8+8=16 \text{~km}\).\\ \textbf{iv)} He spent no time at Earnie's house (he must not have been there).\\ \textbf{v)} \(\begin{aligned}[t] \text { Total time } & =11.00 \text{~am}-3 \text{~pm} \\ & =4 \text { hours. } \end{aligned}\)](/media/mkbpnt1b/26363.png)
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